28 weeks

Adam set up the baby crib in the nursery finding we were missing a few pieces so he had to run to Lowe’s to “complete” his kit. While there we found a great closet set to put in her closet so we came home with extra nuts and bolts and a closet kit! Now that we have the crib done and the bedding and a beautiful closet we are that much closer to a complete baby room! The room looks great! Adam and I went in on Monday for our 28 week appointment. We had to plan staying for an hour so I could complete the glucose test (ugh, yucky orange colored Sunny D drink) and watch a video on preterm labor. Everything checked out “perfect” with the doctor. Every other appointment we switch off between our nurse practitioner and two doctors. I downed my nasty orange syrup and began the adventures. My belly measured 30 cm, my weight 137 lbs and blood pressure nice and low! Again, “Perfect” as the doctor said while we sat with her.Woo hoo! She whipped out the heart beat monitor and played hide-and-seek with Adalyse for a minute or two (I could feel her moving away from the monitor, so crazy) until finally our baby girl gave in and let us hear her sweet heartbeat. This time we got to hear the thump-thump with a “hiccup” here and there, totally cute! We had not further questions so she let us loose to watch a 14 minute video on pre-term labor while we waited for my time slot to give a tube or two of blood for the glucose test. Definitely not a concern but good to be educated. It wasn’t long after we finished the film that I was sitting with the high energy blood nurse (I have no idea what they are called…) chatting up a storm and laughing at people who LIKE the glucose drink….”liquid nicotine” is what we called it. Thank goodness we choose everyday to be as healthy as possible, soda every day…yuck! Before we knew it we were finished and sent on our way. It’s amazing how positive our experience has been thus far with KAISER, we heard so many negatives and are relieved they haven’t turned out to be true for us. That’s all for now. Besides a little lower back pain and not being able to tie my shoes so well, we’re doing great!


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