Give your body the nutrients it needs or else…

When your mom tells you to eat your fruit and vegetables in addition to taking your vitamins every day she’s not just nagging you, she is actually taking care of you. What a concept! Apparently these healthy foods and nutrients that our moms and our doctors tell us to eat are what helps our bodies function,rejuvenate and burn calories in the healthy way and if you do not supply the goods to your body…dun dun dun…your body will send an “eat” signal thinking you will attain those healthy goods by eating more. And we all know the more you eat the more you have to work to burn them and more in likely you still aren’t going to eat the right foods that have the special sauce that your body is looking for.

Adam and I just finished our first 30 days with Shaun T’s Insanity workout and decided to put a little more effort into our diet. We are already pretty food conscious, a lot healthier than the average American, but there are areas we can work on. On a daily basis our bodies were getting stronger but our energy levels were down and weren’t seeing the results we were hoping for. As I read into the Insanity workbook and Women’s Health Magazine I knew this was the next step to take. For the next 30 days we are going to consciously choose to: take daily vitamins with a fish oil/flax seed supplement, drink more milk/soy milk, eat more fruits and hearty vegetables (not just lettuce salads) and drink more water. These items will allow our bodies to do what they need to do the healthy way and the right way. Not getting the results you want? Just look in your fridge…the results you currently have will directly reflect the foods you put into your body! (Oh and by the way pop and pizza…not a healthy lunch, just in case you were wondering)

Mom ( Danette and Lisa), THANK YOU for encouraging us to eat right and be healthy! This habit is definitely on the top ten list of things we are thankful for from our parents!!!! We love you!!

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